
deM Studio Meeting @ GSD

keyword: metabasel, tri-nation, historically, centrally located swiss
Pierrer de Meuron look very nice in his show with the assistant. He was kind of showing off in front of the students who were not so attracted by the thesis topic. I was just surfing the presentation bu more enjoying the master's way to talk, think and debate - it's my first meeting with them.
But I am quite interested by the topic. It was not so "unban", I mean a traditional way. As he said - try to find the possibility of new method, which in a way I'd like very much. Maybe it is on my own personality - never care about other theory before - even though obviously they know it very well.
His thinking was very pratical and easily to understand. He looks up the ability dealing with "shape" a lot. On another hand he value the ability of analysis and rationality as well, even though as archtect we couldn't deny or get rid of the formal thinking.
He value the true and earthy feeling of living, such as forest in the city or city in the forest, sport around a like would be nice experience for a urban life, which was the same argue as before.
The basel skyscraper will be built in months.
lots of stuff can be found in their studio introduction - "Switzerland An Urban Portait"
His appearence was suprisingly shown as CK style black top(short can see belly), jean, puma, and suit top, very neat and young. (which was like the stuffs in my cabnet.)


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